Overheard Conversation


“Due to pandemic, I’ve started to value communities that we live in.”

Early morning, I was running toward my internship office. As usual I was late.

The above overheard conversation was between two people, in metro where I luckily got a seat. That girl’s this statement got me into thinking that our generation experienced pandemic very differently. Our generation understood pandemic more deeply. Previous generations experienced loneliness because they were alone. We, were not so much. We were connected with people, at least virtually. So much connected that in ideal world we used to regret being accessible. We complaint being around people.

The pandemic helped us realize how insignificant we are when we are alone. We understood the power of community. People survived this pandemic because the resources were made available to them by absolute strangers. What was more beautiful was to watch strangers helping strangers irrespective of their caste, gender, and religion. We Indians saw so much happening around these divisions that this act of humanity just came as a wholesome reminder of goodness.

I am not disregarding the difficulties that people faced because of being trapped in the house, maybe with villain like people and lesser resources. I acknowledge that. But I want to just point at the fact that together we conquered a pandemic, so we can take over anything in the world.

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